Ινστιτούτο Νίκος Πουλαντζάς
Birkbeck Institute of the Humanities
Θεωρία στο Μέγαρο
ΕΦΣΥΝ ‘Πολιτικά & Φιλοσοφικά Επίκαιρα’
Open Athens
Justice Miscarried: Ethics and Aesthetics in Law
Prentice-Hall, 1995, with Ronnie Warrington
Reopens the law-ethics debate from a postmodern perspective and calls for a radical assessment of the relationship between law and morality. This incorporates an analysis of the failure of the law to deliver its promise of justice and argues that only by taking seriously a philosophy of otherness can the law be transformed into an acceptable ethical basis of social communication; otherwise, it will remain divorced from ethics and its decline into amoral technocratic management will continue. Readers interested in Cultural, Legal and Social and Political Theory.